4 Ways Offering Shuttle Service Can Benefit Your Business

As the job market evolves over time, new norms are starting to emerge. One of these is employer-provided shuttle services to their employees. There are many benefits for both parties, as we will explore in this brief guide.
Makes Their Commute Easier
Employees will be happier if they don’t need to sit around in rush hour traffic. Research tells us that long commutes are physically and emotionally unhealthy, ranging from higher cholesterol and blood pressure to more anxiety and road rage. Designate a driver to handle all these driving decisions for your employees! Offering a shuttle service can benefit your business because your employees will come to work with less stress, helping them (and the company) be more productive.
Able To Use This Time in Other Ways
When employees have extra time each day, they’ll be able to multitask and take care of other things while on the road. This could be work-related tasks such as editing a presentation or brainstorming new ideas, or it could mean tending to personal matters. Employees would appreciate using Wi-Fi on the shuttle. There are new and used buses for sale that have this feature built into them. Employees could also use this time to check in with their kids to make sure they got to school, create a grocery list and meal plan, or confirm a dinner date. This keeps their mind focused during business hours.
Comfortable To Ride In
Let’s face it—most shuttles are pretty comfortable to sit in. The combination of spaciousness, reclining seats, the passing sights, and the hum of the engine can be relaxing for some. Since a shuttle service would presumably happen five days a week, this is a great time for employees to schedule some regular relaxation time. They could either listen to music or podcasts, read, take a power nap, or get in a daily meditation. Offering a shuttle service can benefit your business because it prioritizes employee well-being.
A Reputation of a Company That Cares
A company that prioritizes their employee’s health and well-being keeps their star players for longer and markets to the rest of the job pool that they should be applying at your company. You want to be the business that struggles to narrow down a well-qualified applicant list rather than struggling to find quality suitors in job hunts.
As employee well-being becomes an even greater focus in the business world, shuttle services become an even more important way to cultivate a positive company culture.
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